daylight in a bright library



Quek G., Jain S., Karmann C., Pierson C., Wienold J., Andersen M. (2023). Comparison of questionnaire items for discomfort glare studies in daylit spaces. Lighting Research & Technology, 1-29. DOI:10.1177/14771535231203564
Paper available on Infoscience

Orman A., Safranek S., Pierson C. (2023). Implementation of a reconstructed spectral sky definition in a light simulation tool and comparison to measurements. CIE Quadrennial Session, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 18-20, 2023.

Karmann C., Pierson C., Danell M., Wienold J., Barthelemes V., Khovaly D., Andersen M. (2023). Variation in photopic and melanopic lighting in Swiss offices: a field study. CIE Quadrennial Session, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 18-20, 2023.

Balakrishnan P., Diakite-Kortlever A., Dumortier D., Hernández-Andrés J., Kenny P., Maskarenj M., Pierson C., Thorseth A., Xue P., Knoop M. (2023). SkySpectra: an opensource data package of worldwide spectral daylight. CIE Quadrennial Session, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 18-20, 2023.


Pierson C., Aarts M., Andersen M. (2022). Validation of spectral simulation tools in the context of ipRGC-influenced light responses of building occupants. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 16(2), 179-197. DOI:10.1080/19401493.2022.2125582

Ko W. H., Schiavon S., et al. (2022) Window View Quality: Why It Matters and What We Should Do, LEUKOS, 18:3, 259-267. DOI:10.1080/15502724.2022.2055428

Gkaintatzi-Masouti M., Pierson C., Van Duijnhoven J., Andersen M., Aarts M. (2022). A simulation tool for building and lighting design considering ipRGC-influenced light responses. BuildSim Nordic, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 22-23, 2022.

Pierson, C. (2022). Validation of Spectral Light Simulation Tools: Dataset of Simulated and Measured Indoor Light Exposure [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5919054


Pierson C., Gkaintatzi-Masouti M., Aarts M., Andersen M. (2021). Validation of Spectral Simulation Tools for the Prediction of Indoor Electric Light Exposure. CIE Midterm Session, Online, Sep. 27-29, 2021. DOI:10.25039/x48.2021.OP05
Paper available on Infoscience

Pierson C., Soto Magán V., Aarts M., Andersen M. (2021). A Conceptual Simulation Workflow to Guide Design Decisions Regarding the Effects of Daylight on Occupants' Alertness. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042, CISBAT 2021 Special issue. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012116

Pierson C., Aarts M., Andersen M. (2021). Validation of Spectral Simulation Tools for the Prediction of Indoor Daylight Exposure. Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Belgium, September 1-3, 2021.
Paper available on Infoscience

Pierson C., Piderit B., Iwata T., Bodart M., Wienold J. (2021). Is There a Difference in how People from Different Socio-Environmental Contexts Perceive Discomfort Due to Glare from Daylight? Lighting Research & Technology. DOI:10.1177/1477153520983530


Andersen M., Soto Magan V., Webler F., Pierson C. (2020). Light Hygiene in the Built Environment. ANFA International Conference, Online, September 14-25, 2020.
Extended Abstract available on Infoscience

Pierson C., Cauwerts C., Bodart M., Wienold J. (2020). Tutorial: Luminance Maps for Daylighting Studies from High Dynamic Range Photography. LEUKOS, 14(3), 111-148. DOI:10.1080/15502724.2019.1684319


Pierson C. (2019). Discomfort glare perception from daylight : influence of the socio-environmental context. [Doctoral dissertation, Université catholique de Louvain].
Thesis available on DIAL

Pierson C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2019). Is Daylight Glare Perceived Differently by People from Different Cultures? VELUX Daylight Symposium, Paris, France, October 09-10, 2019.
Presentation recorded and available on YouTube

Wienold J., Iwata T., Sarey Khanie M., Erell E., Kraftan E., Rodriguez R., Yamin Garreton J.A., Tzempelikos T., Konstantzos I., Christoffersen J., Kuhn T.E., Pierson C., Andersen M. (2019). Cross-Validation and Robustness of Daylight Glare Metrics. Lighting Research & Technology, 51(7), 983-1013. DOI:10.1177/1477153519826003

Pierson C., Sarey Khanie M., Bodart M., Wienold J. (2019). Discomfort Glare Cut-Off Values from Field and Laboratory Studies. CIE Quadrennial Session, Washington D.C., USA, June 17-20, 2019.
Paper available on Infoscience


Pierson C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2018). Daylight Discomfort Glare Evaluation with Evalglare: Influence of Parameters and Methods on the Accuracy of Discomfort Glare Prediction. Buildings, 8(8), 94. DOI:10.3390/buildings8080094

Pierson C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2018). Daylight Discomfort Glare Evaluation with Evalglare: Influence of Parameters and Methods on the Accuracy of Discomfort Glare Prediction. International Radiance Workshop, Loughborough, UK, Sept. 03-04, 2018.
Workshops available on Radiance-Online
Direct download of the presentation (pdf)
Direct download of the recorded audio (mp3)

Pierson C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2018). Review of Factors Influencing Discomfort Glare Perception from Daylight. LEUKOS, 14(3), 111-148. DOI:10.1080/15502724.2018.1428617
Accepted manuscript available on DIAL

Pierson C., Wienold J. (2018). High Dynamic Range Images Calibration for Luminance Maps Creation. CIE Expert Tutorial and Workshop on Research Methods for Human Factors in Lighting, Copen., Denmark, Aug. 13-14, 2018.

Pierson C., Wienold J., Altomonte S., Bodart M. (2018). Evaluation of Discomfort Glare through Glare Scales: What are we Really Measuring? CIE Expert Tutorial and Workshop on Research Methods for Human Factors in Lighting, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 13-14, 2018.


Pierson C., Piderit M.B., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2017). Discomfort Glare from Daylighting: Influence of Culture on Discomfort Glare Perception. CIE Midterm Session, Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 20-28, 2017.
Paper available on Infoscience

Pierson C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2017). Discomfort Glare Perception in Daylighting: Influencing Factors. Energy Procedia, 122, 331-336. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.332.

Pierson C., Wienold J., Jacobs A., Bodart M. (2017). Luminance Maps from High Dynamic Range Imaging: Calibrations and Adjustments for Visual Comfort Assessment. LuxEuropa, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 18-20, 2017.
Paper available on Infoscience

Pierson C., Cauwerts C., Wienold J., Bodart M. (2017). Discomfort Glare from Daylighting: Study of Factors Influencing Discomfort Glare Perception and Validation of a Universal Discomfort Glare Index. VELUX Daylight Symposium, Berlin, Germany, May 02-04, 2017.
Poster available on DIAL


Pierson C., Evrard A. (2015). Optimization of Facade Wall Building Systems in Walloon Region. International PLEA Conference, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 9-11, 2015.
Paper available on DIAL

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